Tips for new casino players

The market for online casinos had been growing steadily in the years before 2020, but the corona pandemic exploded the market. New online casino players join the new way of playing every day, but these fresh players often miss out on the best bonuses and other insider tips.

To help you get started the right way, can help you get the scoop on the best no-deposit bonuses around. But just knowing the bonus doesn’t help you get the most from a casino. The tips below aren’t just about getting you more money up front, but also let you know how to keep money in your pocket.

As a new player, there’s enough to navigate in online casinos. Knowing how to play games for free, how to set limits, and how to maximize your bonus can feel overwhelming. That’s why below, you’ll read our best tips for new players in an online casino.

Casino bonuses

To brand new players, casino bonuses might seem too good to be true. Why would a casino double your money or give you a no-deposit bonus? The answer is simple: players have a near unlimited choice in online casinos that offer by and large the same games and very similar player experience. Bonuses help casinos stand out, and by putting terms and conditions in place, they carefully craft just the right balance between losing money and gaining customers.

Hunting for the perfect bonus is going to give you more trouble than it’s worth – precisely because of those terms and conditions. The best way to enjoy these bonuses is to plan your deposits on days where you receive a bonus. This way, you get more play for your money while not having to worry about meeting obscure bonus terms. To see what you can expect once you’ve signed up, check out the bonuses for existing players, such as deposit bonuses on a certain day or free spins when a new slot comes out.

Free gambling

Speaking of free spins, did you know you can play almost any game in the casino for free? With the exception of live games, every game should have a free and a paid option. By law, these two versions are required to have exactly the same way of playing; choosing a reputable casino helps ensure that this is indeed the case.

This means you’re not wasting your bankroll on trying out a game, hoping to see the bonus, or figuring out the rules of a fancy blackjack version. Try all these out in the free game mode, so you know what to expect and you’ve seen it before.

Live games are a notorious exception to this, but don’t despair: you can always watch a few rounds without placing a single bet. This still helps you get a feel for the game and doesn’t cost you money while you’re trying to figure out what’s happening.

Set a play limit

The one distinction between a good player and a poor player isn’t their skill, it’s their discipline. Setting a play limit ensures that you never spend more than you should, and never more than you wish you had. Without such a limit, you’re more prone to play to recover your losses (meaning you’ll make riskier choices and increase your chance of losing more) or keep adding money to your account.

Gambling is a lot of fun. Getting a win or a near-win gives you a rush, but it can also lure you into a mode where it stops being fun, and makes you feel like walking away isn’t an option. As a new player, you need to understand that setting limits means you stay in control and you can keep the fun going.

Feeling unsure about where you are? Check out this page to learn more about gambling addictions and what to do about it.